Ultraviolet (UV)
The UV index tells us how strong the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays are. If the UV forecast is 3 (moderate) or above, you need to think about protecting your skin. If the UV forecast is 8 or above (very high) then everyone should protect their skin.
You can protect your skin from harmful UV by spending time in the shade, covering up and using sunscreen.
Remember that sunburn doesn’t just happen when it’s hot outside, the sun can be strong enough to damage your skin even when it’s cold or cloudy.
In York, the sun is often strong enough to cause skin damage between mid-March and mid-October, and is strongest during the middle of the day when it’s highest in the sky, which is from 11am to 3pm.
You will find more information and advice about sun safety by following the links provided below.
Related links: